Greenpeace’s two month campaign, which targeted Nestle’s unethical and environmentally damaging business practice, linked KitKat chocolate bars to deforestation in Indonesian rainforests and the destruction of orang-utan habitats. When their ‘Have a Break’ video link was removed from youtube, the campaign attracted massive support from the online community.
The power of social media combined with direct actions to deliver the message directly to Nestlé. At Nestlé’s Annual General Meeting on April 15th, shareholders were greeted by protesting orang-utans as they arrived and activists dangled banners over shareholder’s heads, asking Nestlé to give orang-utans a break. Online, supporters sent tweets to shareholders throughout the meeting via a fake Wi-Fi network, which sent shareholders directly to greenpeace.org/kitkat.
The combined efforts of Greenpeace and the global online community seemed to have powerful and desired effect. Nestle is now working alongside The Forest Trust (TFT), which requires them to adhere to responsible sourcing guidelines for palm oil. Nestlé must exclude companies from its supply chain that manage 'high risk plantations or farms linked to deforestation'.
Nestle say that "We share the deep concern about the serious environmental threat to rain forests and peat fields in South East Asia caused by the planting of palm oil plantations."
Lucy's article was also posted by Responsible Travel News: Nestle agrees to stop contributing to rainforest destruction: The power of social media
Full article: Sweet Success for Kit-Kat Campaign
Photo from Greenpeace
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